Tue 4 Ramadan 1446AH 4-3-2025AD
Tue 4 Ramadan 1446AH 4-3-2025AD

Important information for Travel

The Makkah Rainfall
There is no distinct rainy or dry season in Makkah. About 2 cm (0.8 inches) of rain falls in November, marking the “peak” of precipitation. June and September are the driest months, with little or no precipitation. Heavy rainfall and even flooding, along with strong windstorms, do happen, though.

Weather Advice for the Hajj
Every year, some people who perform the Hajj and Umrah get sunstroke and heat exhaustion. The following weather-related advice will help you stay healthy while making the trip to Makkah:
• Dress comfortably in light hues.
Keep hydrated by carrying a water bottle, using an umbrella, and avoiding direct sunlight.
• If you suffer from headaches, vertigo, or palpitations, look for areas with air conditioning.
• Try to avoid doing Tawaf, or circling the Kaaba, between midday and early evening. Late evening until the Fajr morning prayer is the coolest and least crowded time to enter Al Masjid Al Haram.
ACCOR Hotels is the source of the information.

Visa for Saudi tourists
Saudi Travel Permit Countries that qualify: America
United States, Canada, and Asia
China (Macau, Taipei, and Hong Kong), Brunei South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan
New Zealand and Australia
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, and AndorraTravel to Umrah is well known for offering Umrah packages that include both direct and indirect flights, expedited visa processing, and five-star luxury lodging.

Departure Point & Meeting Point

PLEASE NOTE: Individuals who are making their own travel arrangements to the airport are requested to meet the main group in front of the relevant airline desk 4 hours prior to departure. The groups will not wait for any late arrivals.
The Journey Programme
All our passengers are travelling direct to Makkah and performing Umrah prior to Hajj. Pilgrims are reminded to keep their Ihram garments & walking slippers with them in their hand luggage as they will need to change into the state of Ihram while they are on the journey. They can change into the state of Ihram either from Heathrow airport or in the aircraft at least 1-2 hours before landing at Jeddah air port.
Pilgrims are reminded that it is not possible to change the time, route or the date of their journey back home or the journey programme.
All pilgrims are reminded to perform their Tawaf ul Wid’a (Compulsory Tawaf for all pilgrims; men, women, young or old) before leaving Makkah for their journey home or to Medina if it is to be after Hajj.
According to the rules of the Hajj ministry, pilgrims leaving towards Medina after Hajj will not be allowed to re-enter Makkah for any purpose.
Our movements in Saudi, i.e. Jeddah to Makkah, Makkah to Medina, Medina back to airport is restricted by the Hajj ministry and we will not be able to accommodate for any special needs of an individual, a family or a group. We do not arrange for any other than that has been advertised or agreed upon in writing.
Pilgrims will be informed about the date and the time of travelling to Medina and the Ziyarat. However, the expected itinerary of the journey of all our groups is advertised on our website: Travel to Umrah.
Pilgrims accept that changes may be made in the purchased package and accept the contract and information provided within the promotional material i.e. leaflets and website details are provided to shed light and give general information therefore amendments and changes are possible.
Any photographs or diagrams contained on website or leaflet are for illustration purposes only and may not reflect actual provisions and services.
Very Important Points
Pilgrims are advised to make their own daily programme of worship i.e. to perform all the prayer in Jamaat, read on daily basis 1-2 sipara/juz of Qur’an, perform an X number of Nafal prayer or Tawafs, etc.
The above mentioned type of programme would help you to ensure if you were doing well enough towards your Hajj journey. Moreover, this would help you to check your daily worship progress.
Please Note that Tawaf will be very busy 3-5 days before Hajj & another 3-5 days after Hajj, People will NOT be able to perform more than 1-2 Tawaf a day. Senior aged pilgrims may not be able to perform more than 1 Tawaf a day.
Tawaf e Ziyarah or Ifadha transport is NOT included in our Hajj packages, nor will we arrange for any paid transport.
Our advice to all our pilgrims
Please keep with you at all times the vouchers that has been provided by ‘Travel to Umrah’ throughout your journey, as it contains important details and contact numbers.
We advise you to keep with you at all time the card of the hotel which you are staying in Makkah or Medina.
Keep some water with you at all times.
For safekeeping, please DO NOT keep all your money in one place or bag. If you are travelling with family members, you are requested to share money with all members including ladies and children.
Use the hotel safe (when possible) and keep all extra money in the safe provided. Make sure you have a witness and obtain a receipt from the hotel.
BE AWARE that you may be questioned at Jeddah Airport for any literature or other things you may possess.
BE PATIENT AT ALL TIMES. Expected waiting time at Jeddah Airport on arrival and return can be more than 8-12 hours.
RESPECT OTHERS AT ALL TIMES – REMEMBER THE MAIN AIM OF YOUR JOURNEY. Do not treat anybody with disrespect, including employees contracted by us or other parties that are involved.
LISTEN TO THE ADVICE GIVEN BY THE GROUP LEADERS. If you need any advice on any aspect of Hajj or Umrah, consult your group leaders as they have previous experience and can guide you in the right way.
TRY to keep note of all information provided by ‘Travel to Umrah’ as we explain matters in details, also you can have the opportunity of asking further questions you may have.
Electric Adaptor
Saudi Arabia uses 2 points electrical switches. Pilgrims are reminded to keep their own international adaptor with them as they will need it during the journey.
Airline booking
Travel to Umrah will arrange or take care of all tickets confirmations. We will get in touch with you in this regards and request you to give us the copy of your ticket for reconfirmations.
Baby Cots
Sorry no baby cots or any other special children facilities are provided in Saudi hotels or in Mina, Arafat or any other place. Internal Airline booking As Hajj period is very busy period, we therefore do not cater for tailored or for individuals needs other than that has been advertised and agreed upon in writing.

Hospital Services
Hospital services are free of charge for pilgrims. However, not everybody is pleased with the local National Health Services. Should you wish (if need arises) you can be treated privately (at your own cost) in a private hospital. Please note that in most hospitals cash payment is due before admission and they do not depend or wait for Travel Insurance Payment or policy. Please note that transport from and to hospital is chargeable at all times by the group as this does not include in the package.
Ambulance Services
Ambulance service is provided free of charge in Saudi Arabia, but because the nature of the city and due to busy period of time, the ambulance services is stretched to its limits. In Small cases such as temperature, weakness in body, etc, they will not turn up. However, they may turn up in major needs and sometime it could take more than 2-4 hours of waiting.
At emergency times such as Fire etc, Pilgrims are reminded to leave the building using the emergency exits and to leave their belongings in their building/apartment. At time of Fire, pilgrims are reminded to use the stair cases ONLY.
Medicine Purchase
Medicine can be purchased from the local chemists, in some cases they may not have the similar medicine but they may be able to provide you with an alternative one. Please keep the sample with you to show it to the local chemist. Name of the medicine or its description may not be enough at some times. Please note you will be charged at all Chemists.
Doctor on Call
Sorry this service is not possible during Hajj period. However, we normally have many doctors in the group as pilgrims and they are usually happy to help pilgrims free of charge.
Lost Property
We take no responsibility for any lost or damaged property; we will try to help you to locate within our means. However, you will be liable for any cost arises as a result of search or for its transportation, etc. We therefore, advise you to look after your luggage and other belongings throughout the journey.
Luggage service
We take no responsibility for any luggage, pick up, lost or damaged, for more details. Cleaning the Room etc For any help you need with regards to your room, etc; you are requested to contact the hotel receptionist or the house keeping person near the rooms during their working hours, as they are contracted to change your bed sheet and cleaning room as well as the toilet/bath areas. It has been noticed due to very busy period of time that you may have to contact the receptionist or housekeeping more than once. If the situation does not improve, please let the group leader know about the situation. If still no progress was made, please inform the company director/staff persons. Please note that bed sheets are normally changed every 2nd to 3rd day. Cleaning the rooms and toilet area is done on daily bases. Please note that NO staff member is permitted to clean any room unless pilgrims are present in their rooms.
Complimentary meals may be served as and when possible in your room or in dining area after Fajr, Zuhr, and Esha prayers. Please note that meals are not sold as part of the packages and if we do provide it will be a gift from us. Meals are prepared by approved catering companies out of the hotel therefore; delays are not in our control specially if you are also late after the prayer times. With regards to Hajj days, the situation could become even more difficult due to number of pilgrims within Mina, Arafat, etc. and due to limitation of place within these areas.
Room key
We advise pilgrims to leave their room key at the hotel reception or allocated area when going out so that the first person arriving back to the hotel can have access to the room. We do NOT advise pilgrims to take their room key with them to Haram sharif or elsewhere unless you have been provided a key per person.
Telephone Services
We advise pilgrims to take their mobile phones (unlocked) with them and get the local mobile Sim cards. You would be required to have finger prints and copy of your passport to acquire local SIM. Please ensure that your mobile phone is unlocked otherwise Saudi Sim will not operate/work on your phone. We find this method of communication is best for all pilgrims as you can make and receive calls at all times and without any problem. Please note that transferring calls in hotels to your room may be possible at some times and not possible at other times as some hotels do not provide phone services.
Hotel Staff
The Saudi Law is that hotels have to employ Saudi citizen as receptionist or staff. In accordance to this, they do not have to speak English; we therefore inform you that you may have some difficulty when communicating with them. Should this be the case, please contact our Asian/Pakistani staff who can translate into Arabic or help you when needed.
Visitors in rooms
We advise pilgrims not to take any person to your room unless he/she is blood related to you. Please note that No relatives are allowed to spend night in the hotel as it is against the local rules also it is something which we do not advise/allow pilgrims to do. We advise pilgrims NOT to take local people who you may build friendship with (while you are in Makkah or Medina) to your room as many of them could be thieves, criminals, etc. Should you need to meet any of them, please ask them to remain in the hotel reception and you can meet them anywhere out of hotel.
Zamzam Cargo
This service was possible until 2013 but the Saudi government does not allow this service any more. Please note that you may find some local people who would assure you to Cargo Zamzam to your address at some extra charges, but this will not be possible. However, we shall let you know if the law changes in this regards.
Extra Qurbani
You can contact us about 1-2 weeks before Hajj and we can book for you additional Qurbani at extra cost.
You will find so many of them and you will hear most shocking stories of their life, but unfortunately majority of them are professional beggars and they are very convincing type of people. This will continue happening even on the days of Hajj/Mina, Arafat etc. We have been seeing them over the years and we came to conclusions that these are professional beggars and they are in teams of hundreds if not even more. You will find them in all types also in all ranks of life, e.g. children, adults, men and women. Please avoid giving them any donations.
Telephone in Rooms
Some rooms/hotels may have phones, others may not have phones. Please use your mobile for communications.
Toilet and shower
As the land price in Makkah & Medina is very expensive; therefore beware Toilet & Shower sizes are very small. In most cases it is just enough to stand in it. Showers are normally on open area with shower on top.
Smoking is NOT permitted in rooms or coaches, please act responsible and think of the feelings of others.
Laundry Service
Laundry service/shops are available in the area at extra cost per item. Some pilgrims may choose to give their cloth to the staff working in the hotel. Please note that we take no responsibility of any type, it is entirely up to individuals to give their cloth for laundry purposes to whom they wish for cleaning or laundry.
It is recommended that you bring your own small travel iron with you for the journey. Hotels may not provide ironing equipment.
Most hotels do not provide any kettle. Normally pilgrims buy their hot beverages (tea & coffee) from surrounding shops.
Most hotels do not provide microwave or heating facilities.
Saudi Currency
The local currency is the Saudi Riyal and normally the exchange rate nowadays is around 5 Saudi Riyal to £1.
Transport Type
All pilgrims are transported in Mualim coaches that are approved by the Hajj ministry only. Hajj ministry would not allow us to use other than their own approved transport to whom we have already made payment on your behalf and we have no control of its type or quality.
At Saudi Airports
All pilgrims’ are expected to give finger prints and their photos will be taken at Jeddah airport prior to their entry/exit to Saudi Arabia. The local authority holds the right to return passengers who fail to get clearness at Saudi airport. Please note, NO refund is given to you if you have been rejected entry to Saudi Arabia as we have made all necessary payments to all other parties.
UK Airport
Pilgrims may get stopped & searched for different reasons at UK airports prior to departure or returning. Please note that we will not be able to help you. If you don’t get clearance & you are stopped from travelling, please note, no refund is given to you. Please check your status with the police to ensure you are not stopped on the travelling or returning dates.
Room service
As it is the busiest time of the year for Makkah and Medina hotels, sorry room service such as to purchase for pilgrims drinks, tea, etc is not possible. Pilgrims are expected to purchase their own things.
Hajj Ministry
Please note that we operate in Saudi Arabia under the guidance, rules and regulations of the Hajj ministry. We are NOT allowed by Saudi law to operate or transport people as we wish or as pilgrims wish.
Small creatures
There may be small creatures in hotels, Mina, Arafat, etc, this is due to the hot season in Makkah & Medina. This seems to be happening even in the summer months in the UK or other parts of the world. Should you notice any, please let the staff know so that necessary actions can be taken.
Toilet Paper
Toilet paper not provided during the 5 days of Hajj as all tents and the five days of Hajj are fully controlled by the Hajj Ministry to whom we made payments on your behalf. Please be informed that the Sewage and Toilet pipes of the Hotels of Makkah and Medina are not designed for the use of toilet paper, therefore rooms that are using toilet paper are normally found blocked toilets. Therefore we advised you to avoid its usage when possible.
Motorway Services
Motorway Services in Saudi are poorly built and maintained. Sometimes it is almost impossible to use it. Therefore, we advised pilgrims not to eat or drink too much while travelling between cities
From October to January: The climate of Saudi Arabia is marked by high temperatures during the day and lower temperature at night. Therefore it is recommended that all pilgrims pack a light jacket or cardigan for this reason. For the remaining months it is normally very hot temperature and there is no need for such covering. Please recheck weather reports during the days you wish to travel.
We recommend that pilgrims wear the native conservative Saudi Arabian clothing during the journey, which are the Ibaya for females and the thobe for males. However, you are allowed to wear whatever you like as long as modest.
If you have requested a room of 2, 3 or 4 beds and have received written confirmation from us, there may be extra unused beds still present in the room. Toilets may be located inside or outside the room and beds are only provided on a single bed basis therefore there will be no double beds in the room.
The Hajj days
The details below are According to the Tamatu’ Hajj (one of the three types of Hajj)
For Umrah, one should enter into the state of Ihram from the Airport or at Meeqat stations designated for him/her, and recite the Talbiyyah. One must perform an Umrah which is consists of Tawaaf and Sa’i. Upon completion of Umrah, men should shave or trim their hair and women should cut a portion of their hair the length of a fingertip. One must exit the state of Ihram until before the 8th Dhul Hijjah. For full Umrah details, please read on how to perform Umrah.
Hajj ritual days (Hajj days) 7th Dhul Hijjah
Be ready to start journey to mina some time at night of 7th Dhul Hijjah, starting from after isha-fajr prayer time. The process of shifting pilgrims from Makkah to Mina could last the whole night and beyond. Please note before departure to Mina; pilgrims should enter into the state of Ehram from their accommodation.
For Mina and the other days of Hajj, please prepare yourself with a sleeping bag, water bottle, prayer mat to perform the daily prayers and some dry or long lasting food just in case if the meals are provided later than expected. You are also advised to take with you some pain killers and the important daily medicines if you under any medical conditions.
Salah in Mina is shortened but performed on its actual time, pilgrims should perform Dhur (2 rak’ahs), Asr (2 rak’ahs), magrib (3 rak’ahs) and Ishaa (2 rak’ahs) prayers.
There is enough water and the number of the toilets in Mina and better facilities than in Arafat and Muzdalifah (approximately 30 toilets for 5000 pilgrims). For every 14 pilgrims, only one tent is to be provided by the Hajj ministry which will be 4mX4m, (we have already made the payment on your behalf). Mina tents will be air-conditioned and carpeted. For security reasons, better ventilation and to perform the daily prayers/Salah with Jamaat, we will open up all tents to each other, so that it can become like one big Hall.
Note: All pilgrims even if they booked separate room in Makkah or Madinah would be accommodated on sharing basis during the five days of Hajj. Tents would be divided on gender basis i.e., Men with men and Ladies to share tents with Ladies.
After Fajr prayer in Mina, all hujjaj would proceed to Arafat. This is the day of Hajj. The person who is not present in Arafat, he/she would miss the reward of Hajj. This is the main and the most important day in the entire journey. Pilgrims will perform Dhur and Asr prayer in Arafat, combined and shortened in the time of Dhur. All pilgrims are advised to spend the day in supplication (make du’aa) asking Allah’s forgiveness, assistance and reward etc. during supplication one should not face the direction of Jabal-ur-Rahma but rather the direction of the Qiblah. It is from the Sunnah to raise ones hands during supplication. It is also makrooh (disliked) for pilgrims to fast while in Arafat.
The facilities are very good since last year in Arafat. All tents are air-conditioned; the number of toilets would be less than Mina. DO NOT panic as you are there for 10-16 hours only. The situation will be improved after the sunset, as pilgrims will start getting ready for their journey towards Muzdalifa
Pilgrims will start their journey for Muzdalifa approximately at any time after the sunset and midnight or so. This should be done with ease and tranquillity. Other facilities such as toilets will be even more limited than Arafat.
Note: Services during the five days of Hajj including transport is controlled and delivered by Hajj ministry to whom we make payment on your behalf around Ramadan time. The facilities are poorly equipped and maintained due to large number of people confined in a small area. Sometimes it is almost impossible to use it. Therefore, we advised pilgrims not to eat or drink too much during the five days of Hajj.
In Muzdalifah, the facilities are very limited. There will not be tents but carpets in main areas of Muzdalifa. Pilgrims may use their sleeping mats provided in Arafat or the prayer mats for resting few hours before Fajr prayer anywhere they find space. Upon arrival in Muzdalifah, pilgrims should shorten and combine Maghrib and Esha prayer; pilgrims should collect some pebbles to stone the Shaytan for the coming 3 days. Each pilgrim will need at least 49 pebbles; it is advisable to have some extra pebbles. The size of the pebble should not be bigger than a small bean.
Pilgrims should spend the night in Muzdalifah. They should pray Fajr at the earliest time, and one should make du’aa and glorify Allah as much as possible after prayer. Pilgrims must proceed to Mina before the sun rises. It is permissible for the weak to leave Muzdalifah after the middle of the night.
After performing Fajr prayer, all Pilgrims will leave for Mina. (Do not panic if you have missed your group), try to make your way for Mina by using the busses/coaches provided at the gate which will bring you to your Mina camp and meet up the group in the camp of Mina or walk with the crowed.
10th Dhul Hijjah
This is the EID and the Qurbani day, pilgrims should start leaving Muzdalifah before sunrise. If you are leaving Muzdalifah late in the morning, please be careful of the heat. The day is to be spent in Mina/Makkah. Pilgrims should throw 7 pebbles at Jamrat-ul-‘Aqabah (the Big Jamarat) saying Allahu’Akbar with each one. Qurbani will be done; thereafter a man should then shave or evenly trim his hair. Women should clip a portion of their hair about the length of a fingertip. Pilgrims can now exit the state of Ihram. Pilgrims can now perform Tawaf-ul-Ifaadah, it is permissible to delay Tawaf-ul-Ifaadah until the 11th or 12th of Dhul-Hijjah or even beyond if need rises, e.g. health, etc. The order can also change as per the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH), however, some scholars disagree with the changing of orders.
11th Dhul Hijjah
One should stone all three of the Jamarats, throwing 7 pebbles at each jamarat. Pilgrims should start with the smallest jamarat, and then proceed to the middle then the Jamarat-ul-‘Aqabah. The day could be spent in Mina/Makkah. However, the night must be spent in any part of Mina.
12th Dhul Hijjah
This is the last day of hajj. The day will be spent in Mina/Makkah.
One should stone all three of the Jamarats, throwing 7 pebbles at each Jamarat. Pilgrims should start with the smallest Jamarat, and then proceed to the middle then the Jamarat-ul-‘Aqabah. All pilgrims must leave Mina before sunset (Maghrib Azaan). If one chooses to remains in Mina after the sunset, pilgrims will need to spend the full night in Mina and stone the Jamaraats the following day after Zuhr and then leave Mina.
NOTE: Pilgrims must perform Tawaf-ul-Wadaa’ before leaving Makkah.
Important Notice
Hajj & Umrah can be physically and mentally challenging. Travel to Umrah takes NO health responsibility for any pilgrim. We would advise all our pilgrims not to travel for Hajj or Umrah unless you are fit to do so and able to walk at least for 4-6 miles per day. If any pilgrim does not meet this requirement; we advise him/her to take a wheelchair with him/her and an additional person who will be fully responsible for your travelling. We also highly recommend that you must seek medical advice from your GP, etc to re-check if you should embark on a journey such as this.
Please be advised that travelling for Hajj or Umrah cannot be compared to holiday travel. During Hajj & Umrah journey; the unpredicted is frequently the norm, and this journeys can be very provoking and irregular. In spite of our careful preparation and organisation, Hajj & Umrah travel can never be settled like a standard holiday or vacation. Hotels, transport, flights and public services are pushed to their limits. This is because 3-4 millions of pilgrims live these days within a small congested area and the crowds can be astonishing. Therefore, expect long delays, unpredicted scenes and atmosphere.
Pilgrims understand and accept that they have been provided information in relation to the Hajj and Umrah packages and flights including:
The company does not provide 4 or 5 star accommodation or services. Standards in Saudi are much lower, e.g. if it 5 star in UK it could be around 3 star in Saudi.
The means, characteristics and categories of transport to be used and the expected dates, times and points of departure and return.
The type of accommodation, its location and its main features. Where relevant the approval or tourist classification under the Saudi Arabian system; was made clear.
The meals including breakfast are not included in the package. If it provides it is complemetary from the company.
The expected itinerary of the flight, package & Information Pack.
Details of the expected visits, excursions or other services that are included in the total price agreed for the package.
Information about passport and visa requirements which apply for British and other citizens.
Health formalities required for the visa as well as the journey.
I have identified no relevant health requirements to my journey and I am fit to travel.
The monetary amount or the percentage of the price which is to be paid on account and the timetable for payment of the balance; Which I understand must be paid prior to issuing visa, tickets etc.
The arrangements which apply if consumers are delayed outbound or inbound points of departure;
The arrangements for security for money paid over and for the repatriation of the consumer in the event of insolvency;
The necessity for me to purchase my own insurance;
I have been advised of the ongoing mass construction in Makkah, Madinah and Jeddah as well as to my destination. I have been advised of the disruption which this may cause and the precautions I should take, for example wearing a face mask, being patient as traffic and environment could result in an unpleasant experience. I have also been advised of the MERS Virus and provided information about MERS.
Umrah Conditions from the UK in 2022
Since umrah has been stopped as a consequence of covid-19, this Aug 2022 is the month when all restrictions come to an end. As influenced due to covid the lofty prices of the Hajj packages are unaffordable for most people so Umrah is the best option for Muslims to visit Allah’s home. Saudi Authorities have lifted the following restrictions as per our resources.
1. Umrah can be performed by pilgrims of any age.
2. Any Saudi Arabian visa can be used to do the Umrah, including tourist, visit, family, and other visas.
3. No vaccination is required to enter Saudi Arabia from any country or to obtain a Saudi visa.
4. Only the Nusuk app is needed for the Roza Rasul visit permission; the Tawakalna and Eatmarna apps do not need to be installed for the Umrah permit.
5. You are free to conduct as many umrahs as you choose while you are there.
6. Saudi umrah or any kind of visa can be obtained by unmarried women without Mehrum.
7. You can go to any portion of Saudi Arabia with a work, family, tourist, or Umrah visa.

8.A tourist visa is valid for one year, and a stay is good for ninety days.
9. The duration of an Umrah visa has been extended to ninety days.
10. If your stopover at any Saudi airport lasts less than 12 hours, no visa is needed.

11. If you are flying with a Saudi carrier only, you can obtain an on-arrival Saudi tourist visa for the permitted nationalities.
12. You can still apply for an Umrah visa even if your Saudi tourist visa is denied.
gathering of young individuals, families with children, friends, and elders to perform Umrah.

Our extensive selection of hotels near Kaba and Masjid e Nabwi, together with stop and direct flights, offers economy, premium economy, business, and first-class cabins. Travel to Umrah creates the ideal possible umrah package to meet your demands based on the mobility, convenience, and peace of mind of the traveler. When pilgrims travel, we consider their needs, including if they require wheelchairs, baby coats, seats with more leg room, motels that are closer to Kaba, and cuisine preferences. To address all of your concerns, our knowledgeable staff shares the immense knowledge they have gained from their previous pilgrims.

The weather in Makkah is hot, dry, and frequently harsh. Here are some predictions for the weather and temperature for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.
Saudi Arabia, a desert nation, is subject to harsh weather conditions. Makkah, a city in a valley, rarely experiences nighttime lows of less than 13°C (55°F) in January. In June, daytime highs can reach over 43°C (110°F). Being ready for the weather in Makkah is beneficial for a successful Hajj or Umrah.

Hajj Schedules
The Hijri calendar, which is based on the moon, is shorter than the Western Gregorian calendar. As a result, the Hajj dates move 10–11 days earlier every year. As a result, pilgrims experience a range of weather conditions. The next Hajjes are scheduled for August 30–4, 2017, August 19–24, 2018, August 9–14, 2019, and August 28–2 in 2020. The hottest months in the Kingdom will coincide with the Hajj season till 2026.

Temperature in Makkah
Makkah experiences temperatures ranging from an average low of 28°C (82°F) to an average high of 40°C (104°F) between late July and early September. With a small period of coolness in the early morning, the hottest part of the day is from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.

The Makkah Rainfall
There is no distinct rainy or dry season in Makkah. About 2 cm (0.8 inches) of rain falls in November, marking the “peak” of precipitation. June and September are the driest months, with little or no precipitation. Heavy rainfall and even flooding, along with strong windstorms, do happen, though.

Weather Advice for the Hajj
Every year, some people who perform the Hajj and Umrah get sunstroke and heat exhaustion. The following weather-related advice will help you stay healthy while making the trip to Makkah:
• Dress comfortably in light hues.
Keep hydrated by carrying a water bottle, using an umbrella, and avoiding direct sunlight.
• If you suffer from headaches, vertigo, or palpitations, look for areas with air conditioning.
• Try to avoid doing Tawaf, or circling the Kaaba, between midday and early evening. Late evening until the Fajr morning prayer is the coolest and least crowded time to enter Al Masjid Al Haram.
ACCOR Hotels is the source of the information.

Visa for Saudi tourists
Saudi Travel Permit Countries that qualify: America
United States, Canada, and Asia
China (Macau, Taipei, and Hong Kong), Brunei South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan
New Zealand and Australia
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, and AndorraTravel to Umrah is well known for offering Umrah packages that include both direct and indirect flights, expedited visa processing, and five-star luxury lodging.

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